"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you,
so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

--1 thessalonians 4: 11-12

Thursday, December 15, 2011

jordyn and emma :: a mini-session

i had no idea it has been over two weeks 
since i have posted. oops!
you take the time to come and read,
so i try to keep this updated regularly...
which i wasn't at all good at with my other blog...
but let's not dwell on it, mmk? ;)


since deciding to build my portfolio again
with the intent of business, i've had several
inquiries, which i've been very thankful for!
however, it is december, and
the weather hasn't been too friendly.
every one of my shoots have been
cancelled, but gina was a trooper
and stuck it out until we could do
a mini-session for her kids yesterday!

it actually turned out to be perfect weather.
it was a great way to wrap up the season!
here are a couple of my favorites:

iso 200
shutter speed: 1/160

iso 200
ss: 1/80

the deets for those of you into photography:
we met at 4pm to make sure we had enough light, 
but i also wanted to make sure
it wasn't too high overhead.
i hate dappled or harsh lighting, 
but i'm also a sucker for some good back lighting.
unfortunately it was too cloudy for that, but cloudy
skies are like a big soft box and they provide even lighting,
which is always, always welcome!
i set my iso at 200, knowing my camera gets noisy (grainy) 
at anything higher than that. with that iso, 
i was still able to close my aperture down to 4.0. 
a good rule of thumb for aperture is this:
if you're shooting 2 people, f/2; 3 people, f/3, etc.
i wanted to play it safe since there was such a 
difference in height, so i set mine at 4.0.
the smaller the number, the smaller
focal plane you have...and i definitely
don't want out of focus pictures!
my shutter speed was great on the
first one, because the sun was in front
so i had plenty of ambient light.
it was a little darker by the tree line,
so i had to move it down some...
but it still worked fine since my
hands are steady enough.

i hope this explanation helps,
thanks for reading!

**due to unpredictable, cold weather, i will not be doing anymore sessions until spring. it's too difficult to plan family time with last minute cancellations, etc...but things will be in full swing with spring sessions! thanks for your understanding!**

1 comment:

Contemplating Beauty said...

Oh so merry christmas, thank you for sharing all of this, great pics and great perfect family times, and crafts! My husband likes to craft too!!!

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