"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you,
so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

--1 thessalonians 4: 11-12

Thursday, January 17, 2013

august 2012

at the beginning of this month,
i was able to photograph my first birth.
i was so honored to be able to share
such a special life event with my
best friend and her husband.
it was worth being up all night for!
 don't worry, nothing graphic is ahead. ;)





mid-august brings back routine
and we had such a great summer
playing and hosting ultimate frisbee
every week, that we wanted to send 
summer off the right way.
 we set up camp at the back of our property
and had an evening full of swimming,
hot dog and marshmallow roasting and
we finished off the night with a movie
in the tent.
the night was cold and the ground was
sure hard, but when we woke up in the morning,
jason already had a fire going outside the tent.
the hard ground was worth the memories!


sydney started first grade this year

and at the end of that week, ali started kindergarten.

go figure that this was the only 
picture (with the pose SHE chose)
that had a natural smile.

 i had a hard time with *both* of my girls 
being gone all day.
i held it together fine on the drive home,
but once i got home i gave the boys
a snack and that was when her presence
was so missed...it was silent!
i realized the very thing that
sometimes drives me crazy,
her incessant chatter,
was the thing i missed the most.
so i went to my room, had a good cry
and then baked a chocolate cake.
really, i did...and it helped.

the rest of august was spent
getting used to having only boys
in the house,

attending a free ice cream social at the girls' school,

taking rides on daddy's motorcycle,

and playing in the rain as if we've
never seen it before, because let's
be honest, it sure felt like it!
this drought has been tough!


isn't it funny how differently boys and girls
"play" in the water and mud? the girls were insistent
on their umbrellas. the boys? ha!



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