"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you,
so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

--1 thessalonians 4: 11-12

Thursday, December 29, 2011

365 :: spurred


i know most of us have tried a 365 project at one time or another.
i tried it, got bored with boring daily pictures and quit.

but this one is different...
and i'm excited about it!

 i recently found a new blog i love through pinterest.
i visited to find out how to do this

and ended up getting hooked on her blog.

i've been intrigued by her 365 project this year,
and because it was different than anything i've seen,
i considered doing it, too.
i found out it was more of a personal, smaller group project
rather than a mass one like the normal 365 blogs.
i e-mailed sara, making sure it was ok that i used the idea.
she responded right away that it was, and offered to let 
me head it up this year!

so, what is it exactly?

here is the description from the flickr group:

"This group is for those who want to better their photography and think creatively. There is a year's worth of prompts posted; they are totally random to keep the project interesting, but most are open to interpretation. This allows you to stretch your creativity, express your mind, and practice your photography skills all at the same time.

A few rules: Members submit their 365 photos with the name of the prompt either in the title or description of their photograph. Please only post one photo per prompt (although you may have as many as you want on your own stream). Also, please only upload 5 photos per day.

Please, I encourage you to have discussions about photographs you post! If you don't understand how someone's photo applies to the prompt, ask! That's what I want! Some photos will have back stories to them that only make sense to the photographer, so I encourage interaction..."

if you're interested, i'll be starting on january 1st.
i will probably post my pictures on a weekly basis,
instead of daily...but i will still be taking them everyday.

you're encouraged to join the flickr group
so that we can all see what the others are doing.
leave a comment or message me to let me know you're in.
i know it'll be a challenge, but for those of us wanting to grow
in creativity and photography,
this is a great way to do it!

i hope you'll join in!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

i joined the flickr group, i hope it is the right one because you aren't a member of it...

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